January 22, 2025
Published in response to reports of provocateurs causing major damage pretending to be Antifa during the George Floyd protests

This information originally appeared at https://www.facebook.com/WeAntiFascists/posts/2924356790933519 and was subsequently curated at https://weantifascists.com/june-1-2020-statement-of-guidance/ from June 2020 to April 2023. In the process of a site redesign, we reviewed this document and decided it makes a perfectly serviceable general-purpose guidance statement; even in the absence of, for instance, ongoing direct evidence of agents provocateur, it won’t hurt anyone heading to a protest zone to be reminded to be cautious.

Text below this point constitutes the original content, with minor revisions for style and grammar.

The below message was published to our Facebook page at the date and time indicated in response to widespread attempts by agents provocateur to incite aggression and violence while pretending to be doing so under the AntiFa “banner.”  We issued this statement of guidance to help keep the legitimate protesters out of the way of the bad actors, in general to make it more difficult for anyone to be fooled into thinking “we” were responsible and to keep honest anti-fascists out of harm’s way for a minute until the bad actors faded out and the authorities could no longer plausibly pretend to think we were conducting, organizing, directing, or even condoning their behavior.

This sort of problem doesn’t go away, of course; it’s a tried and true counter-revolutionary tactic.  However, this short period was early in the protest period after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN, and genuinely unprecedented effort was being expended to stoke violence and paranoia through tactics of disinformation, manipulation, and impersonation.


Issued June 1, 2020, at approximately 10:30PM Eastern (US)

In light of the recent movements by the US President to provoke violence, we recommend that all self-identifying anti-fascists and anti-fascist groups STAY HOME or FIND ALTERNATE MEANS OF PROTEST that include CAREFUL VETTING OF ALL PARTICIPANTS and ABSOLUTE AVOIDANCE OF DESTRUCTIVE, VIOLENT, OR INTIMIDATING BEHAVIOR.

We recommend a 36 hour stand-down of unorganized protest activity, particularly in the overnight hours; we may revise this recommendation in light of ongoing events.

We respectfully submit this suggestion to other peaceful protest groups in solidarity, including #BlackLivesMatter. The fascists are trying to troll us into giving them an excuse to hurt, kill, and imprison more black, brown, and poor people, as well as clearly targeting journalists. They are also trying to troll us into turning against each other. Don’t give it to them.

If you choose to ignore this guidance and do hit the streets to protest, stay cohesive, stay safe, stay NONVIOLENT. We STRONGLY recommend that if you engage, you do so using passive resistance methods like going limp, lie-down strikes, silent strikes, etc.

The fascist elements in our government and our citizenry are looking for the slightest excuse to provoke, and to lay blame on peaceful demonstrators for the violent behavior of outside agitators.

We believe it is the intent of the current administration to claim “victory” of some kind if there are no incidents tonight; let them. It’s a one-event PR battle win and ultimately meaningless to the big picture; only those who are slavishly devoted to the president’s fascist, anti-American agenda will buy it.

We can regroup and organize further protest activity during daylight hours, brainstorm within our respective smaller and local organizations on methods of demonstration that help to clearly segregate protesters from looters, rioters, and agents provocateur, and keep the pressure on.

The behavior from the white house is clear evidence that our efforts are working. Don’t blow it now by getting over-confident, over-eager, or letting your emotions overcome your good sense. Remember, no matter what anyone tries to tell you, this is not about “death to America” or “burning it all down.” This is about finally living up to our own ideals using mass civil disobedience as the lever to force necessary changes in our laws, leadership, and culture to advance the cause of anti-fascism, of which equal justice under the law is an inseparable facet.

We respectfully remind US Military Personnel that you are not only allowed but REQUIRED by the Uniform Code of Military Justice to refuse illegal orders (UCMJ Articles 90, 91, 92; US vs. Keenan; US vs. Calley).

In Solidarity,